We want to see it come to life.


Generate exists for one purpose: equip churches and church planters so they can see the vision God gave them come to life.

We are a family of churches that care more about our mission than our methods and the institution. Our mission is simple: to multiply disciples, churches, and networks to the fourth generation.

We do this through funding, coaching, training, networking, credentialing, and resourcing of churches and church planters.

What We Offer



We weren’t designed to do life alone – and you weren’t designed to do ministry alone either!

Through the Generate networks you can partner with like-minded churches, learn from each other, and share in the joys and struggles of your mission to multiply disciples across your city.

Many of the network churches have monthly cohort meetings. Some have annual and semi-annual retreats for pastors and staff. Some even join together for student camps, mission trips, and local outreach opportunities.

The Generate networks are constantly adding new churches in addition to planting new churches. So more than likely there is a Generate network near you.


Generate training is done nation-wide and world-wide at some of the largest church leadership conferences and in locally arranged settings.

Generate training intensives are designed to help you and your team embrace the great commission and learn what it means not just to make disciples – but to start a disciple-making movement.

The training is highly engaging, highly impactful, and highly affordable.

Plus, due to the diversity of church models within the Generate network of churches, we have different training events designed to accommodate those different styles. So whatever your model, we have training for you.


No team is successful without great coaching, and we believe the same thing about church pastors and church planters.

Generate has an incredible staff of district and regional coaches that can help you navigate the challenges in your ministry.

From monthly coaching calls, to personal visits, to simple email availability, our coaches are there for their team and provide wisdom and guidance from decades of experience.


The integrity of the capital “C” Church is one that we must protect and defend at all cost. The Generate credentialing process is designed to do just that.

As a new church planter or pastor we will walk alongside you as you go through the process of finding out what it means to carry the title of Pastor. We’ll challenge you to think through parts of ministry you may have never experienced and help you see your blindspots.

Generate credentialing is also an amazing process available to any of your staff or team that your church wants to ordain.


With the backing of the Missionary Church and its Missionary Church Investment Foundation (MCIF), Generate is able to provide funding and loans for:

  • Assessment, training, coaching and networking
  • Church planting start-up costs
  • Church buildings
  • Build-out and renovation projects
  • Land procurement

The Missionary Church and MCIF are highly relational and highly innovative. Even if you think it’s a crazy idea, let’s talk about it!

We know that funding is often the biggest hurdle to carrying out the vision for your ministry so we want to be a powerful financial resource for you.


Being a national organization that’s been around for over a century and a half has its perks. Here’s a list of just a few of the many resources made available to you through Generate:

  • Articles of Incorporation and By-law templates
  • Budget and Financial documents
  • Insurance and Investments
  • Creative resources
  • Prayer initiatives
  • Hispanic resources
  • Overseas Mission Opportunities
  • Conferences and Retreats

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve learned a lot over the years so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel!